Schizophrenia is complex, and many people are only aware of a few of its characteristics. In the media, schi… More
"Coke nose" is a colloquial term used to describe the adverse effects on the nose resulting from the habitual use of coc… More
Despite its name, pink cocaine does not necessarily contain cocaine but is often a mixture of various substances, includ… More

The conversation around mental health has become more open in recent years, with 1 in 4 of us experien… More

Digital addiction is a very serious issue in the UK, with implications for mental health and wellbeing… More

The debate between vaping and smoking has gained significant attention in recent times. Vaping involve… More


Society and culture have come a long way in recent decades in terms of LGBTQ+ acceptance. Fr… More

Clinical data suggests that by the time that individuals access addiction rehab, they may be struggling wi… More

Archaeological findings have determined that humans in the Americas started using tobacco nearly 12,300 … More

Veterans coming home from service tend to face extremely unique challenges. These aren’t limited to … More

An unfortunate fact is that drug addictions keep on changing and evolving. A new life-threatening drug has popped up: Ni… More
Addiction can be very difficult to cope with. Unfortunately for many people, however, the idea of starting addiction reh… More