Ketamine rehab

Access to treatment for ketamine misuse is an incredibly valuable resource, and research shows that there has been an increase in individuals seeking support for their ketamine abuse. If you are apprehensive about starting this journey, you are not the first, and we would like to assure you that engaging in an intensive programme of ketamine detox and rehab can provide you with all the tools you need to see the other side of ketamine addiction.

Why is rehab for ketamine important?

Ketamine is a drug that is particularly dangerous for the mind. Where substances such as heroin and benzodiazepines provoke a physical dependency, ketamine addition primarily affects the brain. In fact, one of the main reasons that users require ketamine rehab treatment is a result of psychological symptoms such as severe cravings, anxiety, and dysphoria. By attending a programme of ketamine rehab, those who are suffering can feel supported in recognising some of the factors that led them to abuse the drug in the first place.

For those struggling with this substance, it is vital to engage in an intensive programme of ketamine rehab treatment, one that takes the time to address some of the mental factors that may have contributed to their condition. This ensures that those struggling no longer need to use ketamine for a short-term reprieve for a long-term problem but instead explore methods to get to the root of the problem, setting them on the road to long-term recovery.

Do I need ketamine rehab?

If you are unsure whether you require ketamine addiction treatment, consult with these questions. If you have answered ‘yes’ to more than three of them, chances are, it is time to start considering treatment.

  • Have you begun to see a decline in your physical health as a result of your ketamine use?
  • Have you noticed a change in your mental health, feeling low and hopeless more frequently than you once did?
  • Have your priorities begun to change, and are you starting to value ketamine above other activities you used to enjoy?
  • Are you struggling to keep up with professional requirements and falling behind on deadlines?
  • Do you feel that you are no longer in control of your ketamine use?
  • Have you already tried to quit taking ketamine in the past but failed?

What does rehab for ketamine look like?

Addiction is a chronic illness, one which requires a great deal of strength and determination to overcome. Ketamine rehab centres offer a haven of support, free from all the triggers of the outside world and surrounded by others who have undergone similar challenges.

If you are looking to kick your ketamine dependence once and for all, rehab is an essential resource, as it does not just free you from the drug but also looks to investigate some of the underlying reasons that it manifested in the first place. With the help of trained professionals, ketamine rehab can set you on the road to life-long recovery, ensuring that you leave with all the tools you need to lead a healthier life.

What should I expect from ketamine treatment at a UKAT facility?

At UKAT, we understand that everyone is different, and a programme of ketamine treatment that works for one client may not necessarily work for you. For this reason, our team strives to offer individualised treatment for ketamine dependence tailored to suit each client’s specific needs.

With fully trained and experienced staff, we offer personalised treatment plans designed with you in mind to ensure that during your stay with us, you are as comfortable as possible. By incorporating a range of holistic therapies, we aim to look at all parts of a person – mind, body, and spirit, to ensure that you can address some of the emotions that triggered your ketamine abuse. Some examples of the activities we have available for ketamine treatment include:

Group therapy

offering a safe space for clients to open up and investigate their issues and reliance on ketamine, surrounded by the support and companionship of other individuals who have undergone similar challenges.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

There is a link between ketamine abuse and a decline in mental health, with research demonstrating that heavy ketamine consumption can induce bouts of severe depression. With many individuals turning to the drug as a coping mechanism or in attempts to escape particularly painful thoughts and emotions, CBT helps us to understand where these addictive behaviours came from, developing healthier thought patterns to ensure lasting recovery.

Art therapy

Art therapy is an activity proven to be an excellent alternative to more straightforward forms of ketamine treatment, giving clients the opportunity to experiment with colours and crafts as a tool to express emotions they might have found difficult to put into words.

Benefits of ketamine addiction treatment with UKAT

Some of the benefits of getting well at a UKAT facility include:

  • With round-the-clock supervision and monitoring, your safety is our priority as you begin to start your new life free from ketamine.
  • Our centres are designed to promote calm and comfortable surroundings, ensuring that you feel as relaxed as possible as you engage with your ketamine treatment.
  • Many of our staff have battled with addiction themselves. By learning from their own personal experiences, they decided to put their knowledge into practice, seeking to support others suffering the same. This gives them a unique perspective as well as compassion to continuously offer support throughout your ketamine recovery journey.
  • All our centres are CQC registered, so you can enter one of our facilities confident in the quality of your ketamine treatment.

Recovery from ketamine is possible

If your ketamine use is starting to have a negative impact on your daily life, it is never too late to take that first step and reach out to a professional rehab for the treatment you deserve.

If you or a loved one is struggling with ketamine dependence, we would like to assure you that you need not be alone on this journey, and our team is always available to help you on the road to recovery. Call us now for more information about getting started with ketamine addiction treatment.

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Frequently asked questions

How can I get my loved one to agree to ketamine addiction treatment?
If you have a friend or a family member that is abusing ketamine and needs help in breaking free from the substance, it is important to remember that you cannot force them to enter a ketamine rehab facility. While voicing your concerns and showing support is invaluable, the decision to enter treatment is one that your loved one must make themselves.
What happens after ketamine rehab?
At our centres, we firmly believe that support for ketamine abuse should not abruptly end as soon as you have left our facility. For this reason, we are proud to announce that UKAT offers complimentary aftercare to all our residents, as well as access to UKAT Alumni, a lifelong recovery community. This will ensure that if you are facing any challenges regarding your ketamine use, there will be help and support available.
How long does ketamine rehab last?
At UKAT, we have a variety of ketamine rehab treatment lengths, ranging from seven to twenty-eight days. However, for the most engaging and intensive treatment, we would advise a twenty-eight-day stay, as this will give you ample time to adjust to your life, free from ketamine, leaving us confident and with all the tools you need to ensure lasting recovery.
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