Last Updated:
October 22nd, 2024

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment near Prenton, Merseyside
- Drug Rehab & Treatment
- Alcohol Rehab & Treatment
- Alcohol Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms
- Drug Detoxification and Withdrawal
Getting help for Addiction & Substance Abuse near Prenton
Breaking free from drug or alcohol addiction involves eliminating physical and psychological dependence and addressing the harmful behavioural issues that initially lead to addiction. Attempting to stop using drugs without any type of professional assistance can be very difficult and sometimes dangerous where physical dependence has evolved. Alcoholism and other kinds of drug addiction affect physical and mental health. Often the behavioural aspects of substance dependence are most apparent and worrying to friends and family. For rehab to be successful, one must be willing to make significant behavioural changes whilst in treatment. The recovery success rates are entirely dependent on the individual’s willingness for change. Any good rehab facility near Prenton should offer personalised treatment which includes a comprehensive screening process. The treatment plan should be changed to meet the needs of each individual, with their progress regularly monitored throughout the programme.
How Does Rehab Work
Individuals receive treatment on a group and one-to-one basis, and have a customised treatment and recovery programme developed to fully address their specific needs. Also, individuals should have a psychiatric evaluation carried out by certified psychiatrists.
All rehab programmes should be carried out by a team of mental health and addiction specialists, as well as wellness specialists, spiritual counsellors, and medical staff. When it comes to choices for rehab, the two distinct options available in the UK are inpatient residential rehab and outpatient programmes. Inpatient residential rehab is often not available on the NHS, whereas individuals can self-refer into outpatient programmes throughout Prenton. Inpatient residential rehab has many significant benefits over outpatient programmes. Inpatient rehab enables the individual to detox from substances and alcohol in an enclosed, safe, environment, without giving in to any temptations.
- Prescribed Medical Detoxification
- Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation
- Proven Counselling Treatments
- Holistic Therapies
- 12 Step Recovery Model
- One-to-One & Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Trauma therapy
- Psychiatric assessments
- Dual diagnosis care
- Aftercare & Ongoing Therapies
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- CQC Registered
- 24-Hour Care
We also offer free group sessions for families or anyone closely connected to the individual.
These groups provide guidance and support network built and an understanding of addiction acquired. All of which can contribute to ongoing long-term recovery for both addicts and family members.
What Happens During Alcohol and Drug Rehab near Prenton
Rehab equips individuals with tools that enable them to live meaning lives without the need for alcohol or any other substances. Qualified professionals work to promote an environment that is caring, supportive, and compassionate, so that individuals can start the healing process and facilitate long-term recovery. However, residential programs vary and those struggling with drug or alcohol addiction may not understand what a good residential treatment program looks like.
It is imperative that before choosing a residential programme, you understand what is offered in terms of aftercare and treatment options. All strong rehab programmes should consist of group therapy, family therapy, and individual therapy. The treatment centre should have medical staff on standby to help individuals through the detox phase, and address any concerns they may have regarding psychotherapy and detox medication. Good residential programmes should provide free aftercare as part of any programme, and should allow for regular sessions to promote long-term recovery. All rehab facilities in the UK are regulated by, and must be registered with, the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The CQC provide a rating of each individual rehab ranging from “Inadequate” to “Outstanding”. To find out how a rehab is performing, the best place to look is the CQC website, as this will identify any potential issues with an individual facility.
The Benefits of Private Rehab
If you or a loved one are seriously struggling with addiction, private rehab provides:
- Immediate admission 365 days a year
- Safety from local triggers
- Medical detox with 24/7 care & support
- Overcome the root causes of addiction
- Experienced team of doctors & therapists
- Personalised rehabilitation programme
- Look, feel, sleep better & regain confidence
- Learn relapse prevention techniques
- Fitness and nutrition programme
- 1 year complimentary aftercare support
Addiction Therapy & Treatment Options near Prenton
When making enquiries, ask about the therapy programmes available to you. All good rehabs should have a few different therapeutic models to help those with psychological issues. If the individual presents mental health problems, it’s best to ask the centre if they specialise in treating dual-diagnosis. Dual-diagnosis is the presence of mental health conditions and addiction, a specialised treatment is recommended to effectively treat both conditions. Therefore, good rehab centres should ideally be licensed to treat mental health disorders as well as addiction – with the expertise to provide treatment for substance dependency without negatively impacting any existing mental health issues (such as depression or bipolar). A few considerations must be made for the individuals well-being where dual diagnosis is concerned – such as the use of existing psychiatric medication and any therapy undergone prior to rehabilitation. Rehab begins with detox. The detox stage works to remove the mind-altering substances from the individual’s body before they move on to psychological treatment.
Medical Alcohol and Drug Detox
Detox is a treatment that intends to break both the physical and psychological addiction caused by drug and alcohol misuse. A medical detox can be defined as medically-assisted, as often detox medication is provided to alleviate many of the dangerous symptoms associated with withdrawal. Detox medication is not always necessary, and is usually confined to those who are dependent on alcohol, opiates, benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. Medical professionals will decide whether a medically-assisted detox is required, with special considerations around the individuals needs and any existing mental health conditions. It is recommended that the detox phase is pursued within a residential setting, so that medical professionals can monitor withdrawal symptoms and any health complications.
Therapy for Alcohol and Drug Addiction
The rehabilitation phase begins once the individual completes their detox. Clinicians should utilise a wide variety of therapeutic models to allow for personalised treatment. One-to-one sessions should explore psychotherapy in the form of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT), amongst others. Group sessions should also take the form of talking therapies, but may also include different forms of psychotherapy such as Art Therapy, Meditation, and Drama Therapy. The aim is to help individuals find an optimal environment to gain new ways of thinking, bond with others and seek healthy, rewarding stimuli without the need for drugs or alcohol.
How Long is Rehab?
Most inpatient programmes vary from 14 days up to 90 days, but the length of stay will often depend on the circumstances of the individual. Rehab programmes have been linked to , so it may be prudent to choose extended rehab programmes. Inpatient rehabs sometimes offer “detox only” options – but this is not endorsed by uk-rehab – as a standalone option, detox rarely treats the underlying causes of addictions. Consider a 60-90 day programme for optimal recovery. This will allow more time to adjust to a substance free life, and to improve the impact of the therapy on emotional and spiritual well-being.
Cost of Alcohol and Drug Rehab
Detox and rehab start from £1,850* to £3,625* per week, depending on treatment length and clinic chosen.
*Prices may vary depending on individual treatment needs and the chosen clinic. Please contact us for a personalised quote. ** Terms and conditions apply.
Nearest CQC Registered Rehab to Prenton
The nearest CQC-registered rehab clinic we recommend near Prenton is Oasis Runcorn. This Rehab provides a comprehensive addiction treatment programme for alcohol and drug related addictions, has a good/outstanding CQC rating, offers treatment plans for mental health conditions, and has a year of free aftercare available for both the individual and their families. If you’re seeking addiction treatment in another location, UKAT provides many rehab facilities across the UK, which all provide the same level of expertise and service. For additional information on UKAT, speak to their addiction specialists on
Oasis Runcorn rehab facility has an admission team on standby 24/7 who can arrange urgent same day admissions where necessary. The rehab is fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission, and as such adheres to strict guidelines and policies both medically and therapeutically. You can be confident of receiving only the best in medical and clinical care.
- Free of charge
- Confidentiality
- Accessible to everyone
- Located in the local community
- Close to home and family
- Lengthy admissions process
- Might not be referred to residential rehab
- Patients may be asked to go to different clinics
- Recovery may be affected by life distractions
- Access to the personal therapist is more limited;
- Patients may not have the same therapist
To discuss your options further please enter your telephone number below and one of our highly trained team will be in touch as soon as possible:
Free Addiction Treatment Services Available in Prenton
Prenton is home to a great many excellent free and private treatment organisations. Nevertheless – perhaps because of the sheer number of the options available – picking the right treatment facility for you can feel like a daunting undertaking. The information below has been provided to offer you all available options when it comes to making a decision.
Turning Point
Telephone: 01606 330033
Address: The old Council House, Church Rd, Northwich CW9 5PD –
Turning Point work with people who need support with their drug and alcohol use, mental health, offending behaviour, unemployment issues and people with a learning disability.
Telephone: 01928 240406
Address: Grangeway Community and Youth Centre, Grangeway, Runcorn WA7 5HA –
Addaction help people change their behaviour to become the very best that they can be. It could be their drug or alcohol use or worries about their mental health – we support people to make lasting change in their lives.
Addiction Support Groups in Prenton
Addiction support groups are a vital aspect of the long-term treatment process; focused on substance abuse and behavioural addictions, and the various issues associated with recovery, support groups normally bring together people suffering the same kind of addiction so group members can feel that they are part of a relevant peer group which understands their specific challenges and experiences.
What is NA?
NA (Narcotics Anonymous) is a globally renowned non-profit fellowship for people whose drug abuse has had a detrimental impact upon their lives. Everyone attending NA meetings is trying to abstain from drug use and to develop a new way of life. There are no fees to attend and everyone is welcome as long as they are actively striving to stay clean.
What is AA?
AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is – like NA – a non-profit fellowship; since its inception in the 1930s AA has helped millions of people worldwide escape from the claws of alcoholism. AA meetings are held right across the country, including a good number in Prenton, and may be particularly valuable for people who have already gone through rehab and are seeking ongoing support.
Helsby Methodist Church, Chester Rd
Fridays at 7:45pm
The Church Hall, All Saints Church, Vicarage Rd
Fridays at 7:30pm
All Saints Church, Stewart St
Sundays at 8:00pm
See the full list of AA meetings in and around Prenton
Sundays at 6:00pm
St Michaels and All Angels Church
Greenway Road
Sundays at 3:00pm
Beech House
20 Buxton Road
CW12 2DT
Wednesdays at 7:30pm
Trinity Methodist Church
Whitby Road
CH65 0AB
See the full list of NA meetings in and around Prenton