While most people experience anxiety in one form or another during their daily life, anxiety disorder is a mental health… More
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and addiction are two mental health disorders that can occur at the same time and … More
Depression and addiction are two of the most common mental health disorders in the world. Clinical depression is a disor… More
According to World Health Organisation figures, the UK has the fourth highest rates of drug use in the world, … More

If you’ve ever felt that a substance is taking over your life, you may have felt the need to hide away and ign… More

Whether you love your job or count down the minutes until lunch, mastering how to behave at work isn’t easy. Bet… More

If not what is it, and how do you recover?

Is addiction really a disease?, take our poll
There are s… More

Is There Such a Thing as an Addictive Personality?
Are certain people more likely to develop addictions in their lif… More

Men’s Health Week 2019 is all about the important numbers – the health facts and figures that men need to know… More

Addiction, a physical and psychological illness, is characterised by the inability to control the repeated and harmf… More