On hearing the word ‘addiction’, most people’s thoughts turn to harmful substances such as heroin or cocaine, or e… More
Dear Mum,
I wish I could say that the only one my addiction hurt was myself, but I know that’s not true. You were there… More

Drinking alcohol is considered sociable in most quarters and is something that many people do together at parties, i… More

Most people assume that because alcohol is legal, it is completely safe; it is certainly not as harmful as many illegal … More
The question of which is worse, bulimia or anorexia, is one that is often asked, particularly by those who believe they … More
Most people think of mood-altering substances when they hear the term ‘addiction’. They assume that every addict mus… More
In recent years, Paul Gascoigne has become more well known for his antics off the football pitch than he is for his skil… More

Most people assume that addiction refers only to substances such as drugs and alcohol, but the truth is that it is a… More

A Nottingham support service has found that they are seeing two new prescription painkiller addicts every week. The … More

Already a staple of the coffee scene in the US, recovery cafes are still quite the novelty in the UK. But this seems to … More

Our understanding of the human brain has changed a lot over time. Not so long long ago we thought of it in a way tha… More

It can be hard enough to convince an alcohol abuser to give up the bottle, but when the alcohol withdrawal symptoms … More