Vicodin withdrawal & detox

Undergoing a Vicodin detox is essential for anyone wishing to break free from Vicodin addiction, as cleansing the body from all traces of Vicodin is the first step to long-term physical and mental recovery. Vicodin is a combination of pain relievers and opioids designed to alter the mind and body. However, as with many opioids, the powerful source of pain relief can lure those using the drug into a Vicodin dependency, potentially creating harmful health implications for those who abuse Vicodin. This page will tell you more about Vicodin detox options, the potential Vicodin withdrawal symptoms, and what additional benefits Vicodin rehab has to offer.

What is a Vicodin detox?

Detoxing from Vicodin essentially means ceasing Vicodin use. As your body has become adjusted to Vicodin, it will get a shock when you suddenly remove it, and thus, your body’s chemicals will feel temporarily imbalanced. This presents itself in various physical and mental Vicodin withdrawal symptoms. Although this seems intense, take comfort in two things: the withdrawal symptoms don’t last too long, and medical experts can make the process as comfortable as possible for you.

What causes Vicodin withdrawal?

If someone uses Vicodin for a long time, then Vicodin disrupts the normal balance of brain chemicals. When a person is using Vicodin frequently, over long periods of time, the drug combines with brain chemicals to maintain homeostasis (the body’s state of balance). But when a person withdraws from Vicodin, there is suddenly an imbalance that must be compensated for.

A good way to understand Vicodin withdrawal is to think of a scale. On one side of the scale, you have Vicodin; on the other side are a number of brain chemicals the body produces in order to compensate for the Vicodin. If both the Vicodin and the other brain chemicals remain constant, the scale is balanced.

However, if we were to take away some of the Vicodin, the other side of the scale would be too heavy. Take away all the Vicodin and the body’s functions feel imbalanced (homeostasis is disrupted) and that is essentially what Vicodin withdrawal is. Your body responds to this imbalance by presenting withdrawal symptoms. Fortunately, once the detox is completed, homeostasis becomes balanced again and the body’s functions work in harmony once more.

What are Vicodin withdrawal symptoms?

The imbalance of homeostasis will exhibit itself through some of the following symptoms:

  • Anxiety
  • Restlessness
  • Flu-like symptoms (chills, blocked nose etc)
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Sweating
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Stomach cramps
  • Diarrhoea

Although these symptoms are undoubtedly unpleasant, thankfully, they are temporary.

How long do Vicodin withdrawal symptoms last?

On average, it takes between one to two weeks to physically withdraw from Vicodin. However emotional or psychological symptoms may last longer, therefore we recommend getting comprehensive Vicodin recovery treatment that attends to your mental and emotional well-being. On average, all traces of Vicodin typically leave the body completely after around eight hours. Once this happens, Vicodin withdrawal symptoms begin. Below is a timeline of withdrawal symptoms:

Day 1

  • Fever
  • Muscle aches
  • Anxiety
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • /ul>

    Days 2-3

    • Stomach cramps
    • Intense cravings
    • Hallucinations
    • Irritability
    • Insomnia

    Days 5-10

    • Physical symptoms decrease
    • Depression
    • Tiredness

How to withdraw from Vicodin safely

It is essential you speak to your local GP before you decide to cease Vicodin use. We recommend confiding in your doctor about how much Vicodin you consume and what symptoms you currently experience. Everybody is different and some people may be more vulnerable to nasty withdrawal symptoms than others. Your doctor is only interested in your safety, and it is best to get the safest guidance possible.

Physically detoxing from Vicodin with UKAT

It can be unsafe to alter the body’s state of homeostasis on your own, Vicodin withdrawal symptoms can feel so uncomfortable that it may cause a person to resume intake of Vicodin. Therefore, it is best to undergo withdrawal in a medically supervised setting so that the Vicodin withdrawal symptoms can be carefully managed. UKAT has various private treatment centres located across the UK, which are devoted to helping people detox from Vicodin dependency.
In our clinics, clients will be assessed by a doctor and then (if necessary) will be given medications to ensure their withdrawal symptoms are safe and bearable.

How else UKAT can help you mentally detox from Vicodin

Our healthcare workers are on hand to assist and ease Vicodin withdrawal symptoms, and our highly trained therapists understand the toll detoxing from Vicodin could be taking on your well-being. They can give you support and encouragement as they have seen people successfully detox from Vicodin many times. Furthermore, you will be given time to rest in comfortable rooms, wholesome and nutritious meals, and you will have the opportunities to exercise if you feel up to it. The Vicodin detox process is the first and most crucial stage because it is impossible to address any other issues until the body is free of Vicodin. Only when detox is taking place can the body and mind be restored to proper function, and you will be offered additional therapy treatments if you wish to take them. This is highly recommended because physically detoxing from Vicodin is only half the job; to fully recover, we need to address any underlying thought processes that have contributed to a reliance on Vicodin.

Detoxing from Vicodin isn’t easy, but it’s worth it

If you are considering detoxing from Vicodin, you will need physical, mental, and emotional support around you. The detox comes with challenges but completing it will propel to toward recovery from Vicodin. All our staff are expertly trained to help navigate you through your detox, no matter how uncomfortable it may be. We aren’t there to scrutinise you; we are there to support you.

Reach out to us today

If you want to know more information about the Vicodin detox process or learn about our comprehensive Vicodin recovery courses, then reach out to us today. One of our compassionate advisors will be able to go through any questions or concerns you have.

Call us now for help

Frequently asked questions

Is Vicodin withdrawal dangerous?
If you have been taking large or frequent quantities of Vicodin over a period, and then you begin to detox, your body’s tolerance is going to drop. If you find the withdrawal symptoms too uncomfortable, you made decided to resume Vicodin doses. This is where it can be extremely dangerous since overdose deaths happen in people who have recently gone through Vicodin detox and relapsed; the body will go into a state of shock, even if the dosage is small, and could shut down.
Can I detox from Vicodin at home?
It can be dangerous to detox from Vicodin on your own. Therefore, it is imperative you consult your doctor beforehand. It is highly important you have sufficient help around you as it is going to be physically and psychologically challenging. When people attempt to detox by themselves, they are more at risk of relapsing and thus putting themselves in danger.
Are medications used during Vicodin detox?
Depending on the doctor’s assessment, some medications may be used to assist the withdrawal process and to help ease any uncomfortable symptoms. To find out more about what medications we can provide, especially for Vicodin detox, you can look at our guide on medications for detox.
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