An unfortunate fact is that drug addictions keep on changing and evolving. A new life-threatening drug has popped up: Ni… More
Between 2022 and 2023, 2.4% of adults living in England and Wales reported using powder cocaine. Amongst young adults,… More

In this blog, we explore seven compelling reasons why someone would consider a life without alcohol abstinence. It’s… More

While societal views on alcoholism are slowly beginning to shift, there is still often a perception that alcohol add… More

According to recent reports, the UK has become the largest consumer of cocaine in Europe and the second … More

Britain is known around the world for its drinking culture. Brits typically associate summer, for exampl… More

Post-work drinks with work colleagues. A glass of wine with dinner. Many people who would not consider t… More

According to a recent study that analysed 19 years’ worth of data, England’s battle against dihydroc… More

In the vast world of narcotics, few drugs carry a reputation as foreboding as "Devil’s Breath", known … More

Methamphetamine (also known meth for short) is a Class A drug. This means the Advisory Council on the … More

The Vietnam War, spanning from 1955 to 1975, remains one of the most contentious and traumatic chapters … More

In the early 19th century, a rising literary star bore his soul, revealing the darkest corners of his … More