Finding inspiration

We can often find inspiration in the stories of those who have faced challenges and triumphed over them. We can find resilience, wisdom, and hope by embracing the narratives of individuals like our Alumni member Tom Woodman.

Take a moment to watch the inspiring video message from Tom and discover the powerful message that could make a positive impact on your recovery journey.

Embarking on the journey of addiction recovery is a courageous and transformative endeavour that promises a multitude of well-known benefits. While the physical detox, professional guidance, and skill development aspects are widely acknowledged, the profound emotional recovery and personal reconstruction that occur often stand as pillars of lasting change.

Free Therapy
Embrace the spirit of our Christmas campaign and treat yourself to the gift of well-being. Enjoy complimentary 30-minute therapy sessions by simply sharing your name, contact number, and the topic of concern with us at In this season of giving, UKAT believes everyone deserves the support they need on their journey to a healthier and happier life.

Some examples of the personal reconstruction you achieve through rehab Include:

Emotional Healing and Insight:

  • Rehab provides a space for individuals to explore and understand the emotional triggers underlying their addiction.


  • Therapeutic interventions help in addressing deep-seated emotions, fostering healing and self-discovery.

Rebuilding Self-Esteem/Confidence:

  • Through counselling and group therapy, individuals can work on rebuilding self-esteem, which may have been eroded by addiction.


  • Achieving milestones in recovery enhances a sense of accomplishment and increases confidence.

Restoring Healthy Relationships:

  • Rehab programmes often include family therapy, helping individuals mend strained relationships caused by addiction.


  • Learning effective communication and conflict resolution skills contributes to rebuilding meaningful connections.

Coping Strategies for Emotional Resilience:

  • Therapeutic modalities teach practical coping strategies to deal with stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges without resorting to substance abuse.


  • Individuals gain a toolkit of emotional resilience skills for navigating life’s ups and downs.

Rediscovering Personal Identity:

  • Addiction can often overshadow one’s sense of self. Rehab offers an opportunity to rediscover personal passions, interests, and aspirations.


  • Reconnecting with hobbies and interests contributes to a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Addressing Trauma and Emotional Wounds:

  • Many individuals with addiction have experienced trauma. Rehab provides a safe environment to address and heal from past emotional wounds.


  • Trauma-informed care helps individuals develop healthier ways of coping with trauma-related triggers.

Peer Support for Emotional Connection:

  • Building connections with peers going through similar emotional struggles fosters a sense of belonging and understanding.
  • Group therapy sessions provide a platform to share experiences, offer support, and receive empathy from others on the recovery journey.

Mindfulness and Emotional Awareness:

  • The incorporation of mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, promotes emotional awareness and self-reflection.


  • Mindfulness helps individuals stay present, manage emotional responses, and cultivate a positive mindset.

Aftercare Planning:

  • Personalised aftercare plans include strategies for maintaining emotional well-being post-rehab.


  • Continued access to therapy, support groups, and emotional health resources ensures ongoing emotional support.

Renewed Emotional Well-Being:

  • Ultimately, addiction rehab aims to facilitate emotional healing and personal reconstruction, leading to a renewed sense of emotional well-being.


  • Individuals often emerge from rehab with a greater capacity for joy, healthier relationships, and an enhanced emotional landscape.


To Finish

Tom’s story is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance. He navigated challenges with unwavering resilience in the face of adversity, turning setbacks into stepping stones toward personal growth and success.

In the spirit of Tom’s generosity in sharing his story, this video becomes a call to action for anyone struggling with mental health issues or addiction. It’s a reminder that help is available, that recovery is possible, and that no one should face these battles alone. The importance of reaching out to friends, family, or professionals is underscored, and we urge viewers to prioritise their well-being and take the first step toward healing.

If you or a loved one has been inspired by Tom’s message this Christmas, contact UKAT to see how we can help you on the same path to resilience and long standing sobriety.